Alpha artists - Elves of Deep Shadow (Golgari)

Elves of Deep Shadow card image

Elves of Deep Shadow (drk) 76 #top1k

#Land (94):
Bog WreckageBog Wreckage card image (ody) 314
DesertDesert card image (arn) 72 #top10k
Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds card image (afr) 353 #top100
ForestForest card image (leb) 302 #top100
Foul OrchardFoul Orchard card image (akh) 279 #top10k
Painted BluffsPainted Bluffs card image (akh) 246 #top10k
Path of AncestryPath of Ancestry card image (cmm) 661 #top100 #Scry
Snow-Covered SwampSnow-Covered Swamp card image (csp) 153 #top100
SwampSwamp card image (ody) 341 #top100
Turntimber GroveTurntimber Grove card image (zen) 227
Unknown ShoresUnknown Shores card image (xln) 259 #top10k
Urza's MineUrza's Mine card image (atq) 83b #top1k
Urza's Power PlantUrza's Power Plant card image (atq) 84b #top1k
Urza's TowerUrza's Tower card image (atq) 85a #top1k
Vault of WhispersVault of Whispers card image (mrd) 286 #top1k

#Creature (173):
Abyssal GatekeeperAbyssal Gatekeeper card image (wth) 59 #top10k
Armor ThrullArmor Thrull card image (fem) 33b
Balduvian BearsBalduvian Bears card image (ice) 226 #top10k
Basal SliverBasal Sliver card image (tsp) 96 #top10k
Basal ThrullBasal Thrull card image (fem) 34d
Battering RamBattering Ram card image (atq) 41
Bear CubBear Cub card image (p02) 123 #top10k
Bog GliderBog Glider card image (pcy) 58 #Flying
Bog ImpBog Imp card image (por) 81 #Flying
Bog RatsBog Rats card image (drk) 42
Brown OupheBrown Ouphe card image (ice) 228
Canopy SpiderCanopy Spider card image (tmp) 217 #Reach
Carnivorous PlantCarnivorous Plant card image (drk) 75 #Defender
Carrion BeetlesCarrion Beetles card image (usg) 122
Carrion FeederCarrion Feeder card image (scg) 59 #top1k
Chittering RatsChittering Rats card image (dst) 39
Chub ToadChub Toad card image (ice) 229
Clay StatueClay Statue card image (atq) 44
Clockwork GnomesClockwork Gnomes card image (hml) 102
Clockwork SteedClockwork Steed card image (hml) 103
Clockwork SwarmClockwork Swarm card image (hml) 104
Craw WurmCraw Wurm card image (lea) 190
Cyclopean GiantCyclopean Giant card image (tsp) 100
Deathcurse OgreDeathcurse Ogre card image (chk) 109
Dire WolvesDire Wolves card image (ice) 230
Dragon EngineDragon Engine card image (atq) 49
Drudge SkeletonsDrudge Skeletons card image (lea) 106
Durkwood BalothDurkwood Baloth card image (tsp) 193 #Suspend
Ebony RhinoEbony Rhino card image (hml) 106 #Trample
Elvish HunterElvish Hunter card image (fem) 67b
Elvish PioneerElvish Pioneer card image (ons) 257 #top10k
Elvish ScoutElvish Scout card image (fem) 68c
Emerald DragonflyEmerald Dragonfly card image (leg) 184 #Flying
Erg RaidersErg Raiders card image (arn) 25
Folk of An-HavvaFolk of An-Havva card image (hml) 87a
Foul FamiliarFoul Familiar card image (ice) 126
Frozen ShadeFrozen Shade card image (lea) 109
Fyndhorn BrownieFyndhorn Brownie card image (ice) 242
Fyndhorn DruidFyndhorn Druid card image (all) 90b
Ghazbán OgreGhazbán Ogre card image (arn) 49
Giant SlugGiant Slug card image (leg) 99
Giant SpiderGiant Spider card image (lea) 198 #Reach
Giant TurtleGiant Turtle card image (leg) 188
Gibbering BarricadeGibbering Barricade card image (dmu) 95 #Defender
Grimclaw BatsGrimclaw Bats card image (dst) 45 #Flying
Grizzly BearsGrizzly Bears card image (lea) 199 #top10k
Harvest MageHarvest Mage card image (nem) 105
Hasran OgressHasran Ogress card image (arn) 27†
Hoar ShadeHoar Shade card image (ice) 131
Hornet CobraHornet Cobra card image (leg) 190
Hungry SprigganHungry Spriggan card image (shm) 120 #Trample
Ivy ElementalIvy Elemental card image (ody) 245
Jackalope HerdJackalope Herd card image (exo) 111
Jhoira's TimebugJhoira's Timebug card image (tsp) 257 #top10k
Joven's FerretsJoven's Ferrets card image (hml) 89
JuggernautJuggernaut card image (lea) 255
Kavu ClimberKavu Climber card image (inv) 192
Land LeechesLand Leeches card image (drk) 79
Leaf GilderLeaf Gilder card image (lrw) 227
Leaping LizardLeaping Lizard card image (hml) 90
Ley DruidLey Druid card image (lea) 205
Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves card image (lea) 210 #top100
Lone WolfLone Wolf card image (7ed) 254★
Maggot CarrierMaggot Carrier card image (pls) 45
Mana SkimmerMana Skimmer card image (tsp) 117 #Flying
Marker BeetlesMarker Beetles card image (uds) 112
Marsh ViperMarsh Viper card image (drk) 81
Mindstab ThrullMindstab Thrull card image (fem) 40c
Moor FiendMoor Fiend card image (ice) 153 #Landwalk #Swampwalk
Moss MonsterMoss Monster card image (leg) 195
Murk DwellersMurk Dwellers card image (drk) 49
Myr QuadropodMyr Quadropod card image (5dn) 138
Nadier's NightbladeNadier's Nightblade card image (cmm) 641 #top1k
Nafs AspNafs Asp card image (arn) 52
NecriteNecrite card image (fem) 41b
Nightshade StingerNightshade Stinger card image (lrw) 132 #Flying
Norwood RangerNorwood Ranger card image (p02) 138
Order of the Ebon HandOrder of the Ebon Hand card image (fem) 42c #Protection
OrnithopterOrnithopter card image (atq) 60 #top1k #Flying
Pestilence RatsPestilence Rats card image (ice) 157 #top10k
Phantom TigerPhantom Tiger card image (jud) 129
Phyrexian BattlefliesPhyrexian Battleflies card image (inv) 114 #Flying
Phyrexian DebaserPhyrexian Debaser card image (ulg) 59 #Flying
Phyrexian HulkPhyrexian Hulk card image (7ed) 312★
Phyrexian RagerPhyrexian Rager card image (apc) 49 #top10k
Pili-PalaPili-Pala card image (shm) 258 #top10k #Flying
Pincer SpiderPincer Spider card image (inv) 201 #Reach #Kicker
Plague RatsPlague Rats card image (lea) 121
Plated SpiderPlated Spider card image (uds) 116 #Reach
Plated WurmPlated Wurm card image (p02) 141
Pygmy TrollPygmy Troll card image (exo) 118
Quirion ElvesQuirion Elves card image (inv) 203 #top10k
Ravenous RatsRavenous Rats card image (inv) 120 #top10k
Ravenous SkirgeRavenous Skirge card image (usg) 152 #Flying
RoterothopterRoterothopter card image (hml) 109 #Flying
Savaen ElvesSavaen Elves card image (drk) 84
Scaled WurmScaled Wurm card image (ice) 262
Scathe ZombiesScathe Zombies card image (lea) 125
Scryb SpritesScryb Sprites card image (lea) 215 #Flying
Sengir BatsSengir Bats card image (hml) 57b #Flying
Serpent WarriorSerpent Warrior card image (sth) 69
Shanodin DryadsShanodin Dryads card image (lea) 216 #Landwalk #Forestwalk
Shelkin BrownieShelkin Brownie card image (leg) 204
Skittering SkirgeSkittering Skirge card image (usg) 158 #Flying
Skyshroud RangerSkyshroud Ranger card image (10e) 297 #top10k
Slinking SkirgeSlinking Skirge card image (uds) 71 #Flying
Soldevi AdnateSoldevi Adnate card image (all) 60a #top10k
Spike ColonySpike Colony card image (sth) 117
Spike WorkerSpike Worker card image (sth) 120
Squirming MassSquirming Mass card image (uds) 73 #Fear
ThallidThallid card image (fem) 74b #top10k
Thallid GerminatorThallid Germinator card image (tsp) 225 #top10k
Thorn ThallidThorn Thallid card image (fem) 80a
Treacherous WerewolfTreacherous Werewolf card image (jud) 76 #Threshold
Urborg SkeletonUrborg Skeleton card image (inv) 134★ #Kicker
Vampire BatsVampire Bats card image (leg) 125 #Flying
Venomous DragonflyVenomous Dragonfly card image (mmq) 282 #Flying
Viscid LemuresViscid Lemures card image (tsp) 141
Walking AtlasWalking Atlas card image (wwk) 131 #top10k
Walking DeadWalking Dead card image (leg) 126
Wall of DistortionWall of Distortion card image (mmq) 171 #Defender
Wall of SpearsWall of Spears card image (atq) 77 #Defender
Wall of WoodWall of Wood card image (lea) 225 #Defender
War MammothWar Mammoth card image (lea) 227 #Trample
WellwisherWellwisher card image (ons) 300 #top10k
Wirewood GuardianWirewood Guardian card image (scg) 132 #Landcycling #Forestcycling #Typecycling #Cycling
Wolverine PackWolverine Pack card image (leg) 214 #Rampage
Woolly MammothsWoolly Mammoths card image (ice) 278
Woolly SpiderWoolly Spider card image (ice) 279 #Reach
Yavimaya AncientsYavimaya Ancients card image (all) 104a
Yotian SoldierYotian Soldier card image (atq) 79 #Vigilance

#Enchantment (39):
Artifact PossessionArtifact Possession card image (atq) 15 #Enchant
CarapaceCarapace card image (hml) 84b #Enchant
Casting of BonesCasting of Bones card image (all) 44a #Enchant
Contaminated GroundContaminated Ground card image (roe) 102 #Enchant
Cursed FleshCursed Flesh card image (exo) 56 #Enchant
Dying WailDying Wail card image (uds) 58 #Enchant
EarthloreEarthlore card image (ice) 231 #Enchant
Elven FortressElven Fortress card image (fem) 65c
Evil PresenceEvil Presence card image (lea) 107 #Enchant
FearFear card image (lea) 108 #Enchant
Fertile GroundFertile Ground card image (lrw) 211 #top1k #Enchant
Gaea's TouchGaea's Touch card image (drk) 77† #top10k
Night SoilNight Soil card image (fem) 71a #top10k
OublietteOubliette card image (arn) 31† #top10k
OvergrowthOvergrowth card image (sth) 111 #top10k #Enchant
ParalyzeParalyze card image (5ed) 185 #Enchant
PestilencePestilence card image (lea) 120 #top10k
Phyrexian BoonPhyrexian Boon card image (all) 58a #Enchant
RegenerationRegeneration card image (lea) 213 #Enchant
SeizuresSeizures card image (ice) 159 #Enchant
Serpent SkinSerpent Skin card image (chk) 240 #Enchant #Flash
Spider ClimbSpider Climb card image (vis) 120 #Enchant
Spinal GraftSpinal Graft card image (tmp) 159 #Enchant
TortureTorture card image (hml) 59a #Enchant
Unholy StrengthUnholy Strength card image (lea) 131 #Enchant
Vastwood ZendikonVastwood Zendikon card image (wwk) 117 #Enchant
VenomVenom card image (drk) 90 #Enchant
WeaknessWeakness card image (lea) 134 #Enchant
Wild GrowthWild Growth card image (lea) 229 #top1k #Enchant

#Artifact (27):
Arcane SignetArcane Signet card image (cmm) 653 #top100
Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar card image (atq) 38 #top1k
AstrolabeAstrolabe card image (all) 118a
Barbed SextantBarbed Sextant card image (ice) 312
Charcoal DiamondCharcoal Diamond card image (mir) 296 #top1k
Chromatic SphereChromatic Sphere card image (mrd) 151 #top10k
Commander's SphereCommander's Sphere card image (cmm) 655 #top100
Delif's ConeDelif's Cone card image (fem) 84
Feldon's CaneFeldon's Cane card image (atq) 50 #top10k
Fountain of YouthFountain of Youth card image (drk) 103†
Fractured PowerstoneFractured Powerstone card image (pc2) 111 #top10k
Golgari SignetGolgari Signet card image (sld) 292 #top1k
Infernal IdolInfernal Idol card image (j22) 49
Jalum TomeJalum Tome card image (atq) 54
Living ArmorLiving Armor card image (drk) 104
RuneswordRunesword card image (drk) 107†
Sol RingSol Ring card image (cmm) 703 #top100
Staff of ZegonStaff of Zegon card image (atq) 65
Tormod's CryptTormod's Crypt card image (drk) 112 #top10k
Urza's ChaliceUrza's Chalice card image (atq) 75

#Instant (36):
Crop RotationCrop Rotation card image (2xm) 349 #top1k
CrumbleCrumble card image (atq) 32
Dark BanishingDark Banishing card image (ice) 119
Dark RitualDark Ritual card image (lea) 98 #top100
Death BombDeath Bomb card image (pls) 41
Diabolic EdictDiabolic Edict card image (tmp) 128
Divergent GrowthDivergent Growth card image (scg) 116
Elvish FuryElvish Fury card image (tmp) 226 #Buyback
Fevered StrengthFevered Strength card image (all) 50b
FogFog card image (lea) 193 #top10k
Gaea's MightGaea's Might card image (pls) 81 #Domain
Giant GrowthGiant Growth card image (lea) 197 #top10k
HarrowHarrow card image (inv) 189 #top1k
Hell SwarmHell Swarm card image (leg) 103
Howl from BeyondHowl from Beyond card image (ice) 132
InvigorateInvigorate card image (mmq) 254 #top10k
Marsh GasMarsh Gas card image (drk) 48
Pull UnderPull Under card image (chk) 137
Reaping the GravesReaping the Graves card image (scg) 72 #Storm
Rending VinesRending Vines card image (sok) 143
Return to NatureReturn to Nature card image (eld) 173 #top1k
Roar of JukaiRoar of Jukai card image (bok) 140 #Splice
SandstormSandstorm card image (arn) 53
Scatter the SeedsScatter the Seeds card image (rav) 181 #top10k #Convoke
Silk NetSilk Net card image (ulg) 112
Soulless RevivalSoulless Revival card image (chk) 144 #Splice
Spore CloudSpore Cloud card image (fem) 72b
SubdueSubdue card image (leg) 206
TerrorTerror card image (p05) 2 #top10k
VendettaVendetta card image (mmq) 170 #top10k
Vital SurgeVital Surge card image (bok) 150 #Splice

#Sorcery (28):
Ashes to AshesAshes to Ashes card image (drk) 39
Chatter of the SquirrelChatter of the Squirrel card image (sld) 195 #top10k #Flashback
Drain LifeDrain Life card image (lea) 105
Dry SpellDry Spell card image (hml) 46a
Gaze of PainGaze of Pain card image (ice) 128
Hymn to TourachHymn to Tourach card image (fem) 38c #top10k
InquisitionInquisition card image (drk) 47
Kodama's ReachKodama's Reach card image (cmm) 649 #top100
MetamorphosisMetamorphosis card image (arn) 51
Mind RavelMind Ravel card image (ice) 147
Mind RotMind Rot card image (p02) 78
MindstabMindstab card image (tsp) 119 #Suspend
Monstrous GrowthMonstrous Growth card image (por) 173
Psychotic EpisodePsychotic Episode card image (tsp) 126 #Madness
Raise DeadRaise Dead card image (lea) 122 #top10k
Reap and SowReap and Sow card image (dst) 81 #Entwine
Rite of ConsumptionRite of Consumption card image (shm) 76 #top10k
SinkholeSinkhole card image (lea) 129
Soul BurnSoul Burn card image (ice) 161
Stream of LifeStream of Life card image (lea) 217
TranquilityTranquility card image (inv) 217
Venomous VinesVenomous Vines card image (jud) 136
Wandering StreamWandering Stream card image (inv) 224 #Domain
Word of BindingWord of Binding card image (drk) 55

#Non-commander-legal (87):
RebirthRebirth card image (leg) 200 #top100
FastbondFastbond card image (lea) 192 #top100
ZombieZombie card image (tugl) 3 #top100
B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster)B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster) card image (ugl) 29 #top100
Jester's SombreroJester's Sombrero card image (ugl) 76 #top100
Chaos OrbChaos Orb card image (lea) 235 #top100
AkoumAkoum card image (opc2) 9 #top100
ThrullThrull card image (tmm2) 8 #top100
Black LotusBlack Lotus card image (ovnt) 2003 #top100
Demonic AttorneyDemonic Attorney card image (lea) 102 #top100
GleemaxGleemax card image (unh) 121 #top100
Necro-ImpotenceNecro-Impotence card image (unh) 60 #top100
WaspWasp card image (t30a) 16 #top100 #Flying
SqueeSquee card image (pvan) 107 #top100
ScrapScrap card image (tbrc) 12 #top100
InsectInsect card image (tm10) 6 #top100
WaspWasp card image (t10e) 6 #top100 #Flying
Bronze TabletBronze Tablet card image (atq) 42 #top100
Sanctum of SerraSanctum of Serra card image (ohop) 32 #top100
Infernius Spawnington III, Esq.Infernius Spawnington III, Esq. card image (und) 40 #top100 #Flying #Haste #Trample
DemonDemon card image (t30a) 6 #top100 #Flying
Library of AlexandriaLibrary of Alexandria card image (arn) 76 #top100
TreasureTreasure card image (t30a) 14 #top100
Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of EvilInfernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil card image (unh) 57 #top100 #Flying #Trample
Blacker LotusBlacker Lotus card image (ugl) 70 #top100
Stop ThatStop That card image (unh) 63 #top100
UrzaUrza card image (pvan) 407 #top100
Contract from BelowContract from Below card image (lea) 96 #top100
TreasureTreasure card image (t30a) 15 #top100
Infernal Spawn of EvilInfernal Spawn of Evil card image (ugl) 33 #top100 #Flying
SokenzanSokenzan card image (ohop) 36 #top100
Graveyard DigGraveyard Dig card image (cmb1) 92 #top100
Booster TutorBooster Tutor card image (unh) 51 #top100
Corrupted KeyCorrupted Key card image (cmb1) 39 #top100
Arcane SignetArcane Signet card image (acmm) 44 #top100
Volrath's Motion SensorVolrath's Motion Sensor card image (ugl) 39 #top100 #Enchant
Letter BombLetter Bomb card image (unh) 122★ #top100
Jeweled BirdJeweled Bird card image (arn) 66 #top100
Pradesh GypsiesPradesh Gypsies card image (leg) 197 #top100
Amulet of QuozAmulet of Quoz card image (ice) 308 #top100
Fraction JacksonFraction Jackson card image (unh) 97 #top100
DarkpactDarkpact card image (lea) 99 #top100
BarrinBarrin card image (pvan) 201 #top100
SquirrelSquirrel card image (pr2) 3 #top100
Old FogeyOld Fogey card image (unh) 106 #top100 #Landwalk #Flanking #Fading #Protection #Banding #Plainswalk #Rampage #Phasing #Echo
Greven il-VecGreven il-Vec card image (pvan) 203 #top100
Time VaultTime Vault card image (lea) 274 #top100
Super Secret TechSuper Secret Tech card image (unh) 141 #top100
SquirrelSquirrel card image (tugl) 6 #top100
Mana CryptMana Crypt card image (phpr) 5 #top1k
OracleOracle card image (pvan) 304 #top100
Mox JetMox Jet card image (lea) 262 #top100
CrovaxCrovax card image (pvan) 202 #top100
Cardboard CarapaceCardboard Carapace card image (ugl) 54 #top100 #Enchant
Black LotusBlack Lotus card image (lea) 232 #top100
ClueClue card image (t30a) 11 #top100
Arcane SignetArcane Signet card image (acmm) 44 #top100
WolfWolf card image (t30a) 9 #top100
B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster)B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster) card image (ugl) 28 #top100
Mox EmeraldMox Emerald card image (lea) 261 #top100
Mox PoisonMox Poison card image (mb2) 608 #top100
Squirrel FarmSquirrel Farm card image (ugl) 66 #top100
ClueClue card image (t30a) 12 #top100
Eldrazi SpawnEldrazi Spawn card image (troe) 1b #top100
TreasureTreasure card image (t30a) 13 #top100
Assembly-WorkerAssembly-Worker card image (ttsr) 14 #top100
BloodBlood card image (tbig) 2 #top100
Laughing HyenaLaughing Hyena card image (unh) 103★ #top100
TogglodyteTogglodyte card image (unh) 129 #top100
MishraMishra card image (pvan) 403 #top100
GerrardGerrard card image (pvan) 102 #top100
Mondassian Colony ShipMondassian Colony Ship card image (who) 590 #top100
SeleniaSelenia card image (pvan) 206 #top100
VolrathVolrath card image (pvan) 208 #top100
Chaos ConfettiChaos Confetti card image (ugl) 72 #top100
ImprisonImprison card image (leg) 107 #top100 #Enchant
BeastBeast card image (t30a) 8 #top100
B-I-N-G-OB-I-N-G-O card image (unh) 92 #top100 #Trample
RaccoonRaccoon card image (tblc) 29 #top100
ChannelChannel card image (lea) 188 #top100
BatBat card image (ttsr) 4 #top100 #Flying
Emrakul, the Aeons TornEmrakul, the Aeons Torn card image (roe) 4 #top100 #Flying #Annihilator #Protection
HornetHornet card image (tdde) 1 #top100 #Flying #Haste
AshnodAshnod card image (pvan) 401 #top100
Mana CryptMana Crypt card image (2xm) 361 #top1k
Incoming!Incoming! card image (ugl) 64 #top100
WastelandWasteland card image (olgc) 2021A #top10k

#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.